Property Details

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Property Description

16 BARNES CLOSE BRANDON IP27 0NY is a property in IP27 0NY.

We currently estimate this property would sell for £93,000

Your Home Check summary

Here's a quick overview of any information related to this home.
  • n/a beds
  • n/a baths
  • n/a EPC Rating
  • sq. metres

Area Information

  • Ward : Brandon West
  • District: West Suffolk
  • County: Suffolk
  • Country: England
  • Nearest train station: Brandon
  • Distance to train station: 2.0 miles
  • Altitude: 7 metres
  • Police Force: Suffolk
  • Water Company: Anglian Water
  • Distance to sea: 44.0 miles
  • Average Income: £36,000
  • Rivers/Steams: n/a

Census Information (2021)

  • Postcode District : IP27
  • Postcode Area: IP
  • Postcode Sector: 0
  • Postcode Sub Sector: IP27 0N
  • Married: 11
  • Single: 26
  • Children: 18
  • Adults: 50
  • Male: 0%
  • Female: 0%
  • Ethnicity White: 96%
  • Ethnicity Non White: 2%
  • Working: 91
  • Not Working: 5

Air Pollution in this Postcode

  • WHO Limit: Just under W.H.O. limits
  • Level Description: Medium
  • Financial Cost : Your property is just under W.H.O. limits. If it did exceed these, independent research shows 76% of U.K. residents would expect some kind of discount to be applied to the sale price.
Alerts - While most alerts could be harmless, it's a good idea to explore them before you make the decision to buy.
  • Flood Risk
  • Planning Applications Nearby
  • Air BnB Properties Nearby
  • HMO's or Property with rooms for rent nearby
  • Air Polution Risk
  • Local Crime Statistics
  • Sales/Rental History
  • Nearby Schools
  • Nearby Bus Stops
  • Local Facilities (gymns/shops/etc.)
  • Electric Charging Points
  • Internet Services


  • Full Address

  • Estimated Sales Price

    £ 93,000
  • Property Indicators
